
Monday, June 24, 2013

Baking a cake!

I guess I have this cake thing going on now? I don't actually do a lot of cake-baking (yet), but I just feel really into cakes these days. After Greg's defense, I decided I needed to bake him a cake, even though he isn't really a huge cake fan. But he is a huge coffee fan, so I decided to make a coffee cake. And by that I mean a real cake, with a coffee flavor, not like the kind of cake that is intended to be eaten for breakfast with coffee.

I ended up going with this Smitten Kitchen recipe, because that is one of my favorite recipe sources. What really sold me was at the end where she suggests a cappuccino chiffon cake variation. No fudge frosting for us! We want whipped cream! It is how the Swedes would do it!

This was one of the more complicated things I've made, but the effort was totally worth it. It was incredibly delicious, and very strongly coffee flavored. I highly recommend this cake!

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