
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Really bad photos of First Night fireworks

Fireworks on New Year's Eve are quite popular here. Like really quite. Yesterday starting at around 4 pm (the time at which all possible hint of twilight has fully disappeared) the fireworks started. They continued sporadically throughout the night. Starting at about 11:45 pm they got quite regular. Regular enough for me to take my first bad photo.


I had remembered being told about fireworks on New Year's Eve. It was one of those "you need to go up to the castle (because it is the highest part of the city) and there will be tons of fireworks!" This had also happened for the first Sunday of advent "go up to the castle and you'll just see them!" The difference was that the advent fireworks were organized by the city (and choreographed to music!). The quantity was abundant, but also short-lived (just three songs... I guess there aren't too many poppy songs with the word 'up' in them?). I don't think there were any official new year's fireworks. Instead, there were just fireworks everywhere, presumably being fired by anyone who felt like it? Starting at midnight and lasting for thirty minutes were fireworks everywhere! It was crazy!





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